Division with soroban

In order to perform division operations with the soroban, you need to have learned the multiplication tables well and know how to find divisions from these tables. You can revise this by following these links

I would also like to point out that you should have worked on the chapter on Subtraction with the soroban.


For example, let's say the operation :

5769 : 6

You must start by representing the dividend, i.e. the number 5769 on the soroban:

Soroban representing the number 5769

Know that at the end of the operation you will have the quotient, i.e. the result of the division, and the remainder in this way:

Soroban representing the quotient and remainder of 5769:6

We proceed as follows:

As with usual division, we start with the numbers on the left. We take a single digit if it is greater than or equal to the divisor. Otherwise, we take two digits.

In the present case the first digit, 5, is less than the divisor 6, so I take the two digits 5 and 7. I get the number 57 which is the number of hundreds of the dividend 5769. I then started with the hundreds.

Division 0

I divide the number of hundreds by the divisor 6 :

57 : 6 gives 9

Then 2 things like with the usual division:

1 - I write 9 in the column for the hundreds of the quotient. Why in hundreds? Because 57 that I took for this step of the division is the number of hundreds of the dividend.

Division 1

2 - On the dividend side, I multiply 6 x 9, I find 54 which I subtract from 57. So I have the number 3 in hundreds.

Division 2

Now I move on to the tens. I read the number of tens on the soroban, I find 36.

Division 3

I divide the tens number 36 by the divisor 6 :

36 : 6 gives 6

1 - I write 6 in the column for the tens of the quotient.

Division 4

2 - On the dividend side, I multiply 6 x 6, I find 36 which I subtract from 36. So I have the number 0 in tens.

Division 5

Now I move on to the units. I read the number of units on the soroban, I find 9.

Division 6

I divide the number of units 9 by the divisor 6 :

9 : 6 gives 1

1 - I write 1 in the column for the units of the quotient.

Division 7


2 - I subtract from 9 the number 6 = 6 x 1. I have 3 left in units.

Division 8

It's done! I still have to read on the soroban the quotient which is the number 961 and the remainder which is the number 3.

Soroban representing the quotient and remainder of 5769:6

15rd exercise

In this exercise you will have a sequence of division operations to perform on the virtual soroban.

Click on the following button to start:

<< 4. Multiplication with soroban

6. Mental Calculation - Introduction >>