5. Exercise 3 - Calculation, Formulas and Series


It is advisable to read the Excel 2016 Course up to the 6th chapter Use of calculations before starting this exercise.


Consider the following excerpt from the spreadsheet:

Excel 2016 Example Calculation, Formulas and Series

Reproduce this excerpt from a spreadsheet and fill in the values in columns F, G and H using appropriate formulas and using the technique of Autofill appropriately. For the VAT calculation, use the values in cells H3 and H4.

The extract after filling in the values:

Excel 2016 Example Calculation, Formulas and Series

Indications Exercise 3 – Calculation, Formulas and Series

1 - Formula in cell F10: "=D10*E10".

Formula in cell G10: "=F10*H$3". Notice the "$" sign in front of the line number. This is so that Excel does not switch to cells below cell H3 during Autofill.

Formula in cell H10: "=F10+G10".

2 - Select the range of cells F10:H10 and copy by moving the mouse pointer to H15

3 - Select cell range F10:H10 again and copy it to range F19:H19 using Copy/Paste. Modify the formula in cell G19 by "=F19*H$4" to apply VAT at 10%.

4 - Select the range of cells F19:H19 and copy by moving the mouse pointer to H21

5 - Formula in cell F16: "=SUM(F10:F15)". Copy this formula by moving the pointer to H16

6 - Formula in cell F22: "=SUM(F19:F21)". Copy this formula by moving the pointer to H22

7 - Formula in cell F24: "=F16+F22". Copy this formula by moving the pointer up to H24

8 - Formula in cell H26: "=H24-H25".

<< 4. Exercise 2 - Calculation, Formulas and Series

6. Exercise 4 - Calculation, Formulas and Series >>