16. Exercise - VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions


You should read the Excel Functions course up to the chapter on VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions before starting this exercise.


Consider the spreadsheet extract representing a company's staff list. In column D is recorded the department for each member at the time of recruitment.

Excel 2016 Exercise - VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions

On another sheet of the same workbook, the same list is recorded with the current department for each staff member in column D.

Excel 2016 Exercise - VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions

Write the formula in cell E2 to extract the initial department from column E of the 1st sheet, using the Excel function VLOOKUP.

You can download the file for this exercise here.

Indications Exercise - VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions

Solution :

Formula in E2 of sheet 2 :


Explanation :

The formula must

  • search for the row in Sheet 1 that corresponds to the current row in Sheet 2
  • extract from the row found the initial department stored in column D

The key value between the list in Sheet 1 and the list in Sheet 2 is the name of the staff.

We therefore called the function VLOOKUP with :

  • in the 1st argument, the name, i.e. the value of cell A2 of the present sheet
  • in the 2nd argument, the cell range A2:E1475 of sheet 1. In fact, the name given in the 1st argument is searched in the 1st column of this range, i.e. column A
  • in the 3rd argument, it is the value 4. When the name given in the 1st argument is found in column A of the range A2:D1475, the value corresponding to the 4th column is returned.
  • in 4th argument, it is the value FALSE for an exact match between the names written in the two lists.

<< 15. Exercise - COUNTBLANK Function

17. Exercise - MATCH and INDEX Functions >>